Somerville REsidence


 This young family of 4 wanted a welcoming outdoor space that could serve multiple functions for their family and accommodate entertaining with larger groups both dining an relaxing. With a natural slope to the property and neighborhood, the yard started out as nearly half asphalt surrounded by old chain link fence. The edge to edge asphalt created drainage and washout issues that needed to be addressed and make the yard feel small. The chain link fence surrounding made the owners feel like there in a fishbowl when they were in the old yard space. And the continuous asphalt gave the sense as if the dining table were sitting on an extension of the driveway. The landscape renovation plan started with the removal the the asphalt in the back yard (still leaving them with 2 car parking in the side yard driveway). New solid wood fencing was planned and selected by homeowners (not yet installed in below photos). Two distinct patios were installed, one closer to the house & back stairs for a large dining table and grill and one abutting the back fence, directed toward the house for lounge furnishings and fire pit. A small redbud tree added some height and sense of backdrop and understory canopy to the lounge patio, while new gardens beds around gave space for flowering perennials and bulbs. A new shed and long oval lawn was oriented to give the yard a sense of depth and make it feel as large as it is. Irregular bluestone pieces were used as casual walkways connecting the various points of access to shed and patios. Replacing asphalt with strategically placed garden beds and more permeable hardscape selections corrected the water runoff and pooling issues. The Boston City Hall brick in herringbone pattern (selected by homeowners) compliment the historic nature of the beautiful house facade and create a dramatic visual delight.